California's Super Storm 2014

If you weren't aware... California has been in a major drought. Rainy days have been very few over the last couple years so when the weather center caught wind of storm headed our way, some people started to panic. There was a LOT of hype around the storm that hit California today so I can see how some people might have gone a little overboard in preparation for it arrival. We live in the East Bay and fortunately we stayed away from the major floods and winds. Other areas, like the North Bay and SF areas got hit pretty hard and suffered major flooding and high winds which knocked out power to many homes and businesses. For us, it was a welcome change and nice to have a long rainy day for once. We really REALLY need the rain. Although we got lucky and didn't see our streets flooded, we did get some awesome puddles to play in! The boy began to get a little stir crazy by noon so once the rain died down a bit we headed out to splash around. The boys had the time of their lives! The pictures say it all. They made water angels (poor kids have never been to the snow!) and jumped and jumped and jumped until they were shivering and shaking from the cold water. A nice warm bubble bath was a MUST to get cozy and all warmed again. I almost left the camera safe indoors for fear of water damage but I am SO glad I braved the rain and captured some great memories. This was little Fox's first real encounter with the rain and he just did what his brothers did. Boys will be boys! Although, if I had on better rain attire, I would have jumped right in there with them. 



Jenni said...

You are an amazing photographer and an even more awesome Mom.

Aub said...

Love every single one of these shots!

Brent and Britta said...

This is greatness! So glad you braved the wetness (maybe you need a tiny camera umbrella?). I love Rex's glee face! And the leaves make these pictures so pretty!!

coco alicia said...

Way to cute

Jack.E Photography (JEP). All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.