So i decided to try my chances at another 'Summer Photo Contest'. There are a TON of submissions... maybe close to 200! The Grand Prize is a SWEET new photo blog that i have been dying for (but too cheap to pay the expensive fees) and heres my chance to get one for FREE, with all your help of course. So if you have a spare minute or two, you can vote here. All you have to do is leave a comment with the photos entry number. Aubrey let me know I'm entry number 0136. Leave a comment to vote with the entry number so it's counted. I know mines not the best submission so fill free to vote for whoever you'd like. I don't think they have a limit as to the number of photos you can vote for.

When I went you were on page 11 (just to let others know)
thanks for the correction Aubrey!
Also, you can only vote for one picture... and I chose you of course!
"thanks for the correction Jenni!"
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