I have to confess, there are about 90 photo blogs that i look at on a semi daily basis that give me inspiration to do what i do. One of them is Hawaii Photographer Natalie Norton whose blog is entitled "Pics and Kicks". She is a great photographer and mentor. She does a fun thing on her blog too, she hosts little photo contests where her blog readers can enter in their photos for prizes. This weeks theme was Summer, so i decided to enter in for my first time. I entered the above photo of the ferris wheel and out of about 270 photos entered i am in the TOP 5!! So go vote for my photo, #3, so i can have a featured spot on her blog with a link to back here to my blog. It will be up for a week and  i receive a $25 food gift card! The other photos in the finals are awesome too so its going to be an interesting race! All you have to do to vote is leave a comment with the # photo you're voting for. THANKS for your support!

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Jack.E Photography (JEP). All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.