Check your driveways because the Brentwood Press has made a SHOUT OUT to Jacqueline.Elizabeth Photography!! WOOHOO!! You can either read the article in tommorws paper under the 'Business' section OR read check it out online HERE. The article has this dumb pic of me that Bradley took at the Lynn Gallery and a really cute pic of the Roberts kids!! I'm excited to see what happens next.
That is so awesome Jackie. Your talent definitely diserves the recognition! You will be famous in no time!
I sent this to Rob, this is great!
i definately reccommend the one in-print!! (Its also in the Antioch Press) :) Not like I am biased or anything!
Good for you Jackie~ you deserve to be noticed! :)
WHAT A GREAT ARTICLE! So perfect and so you. I am so proud of you and can't wait to see where this takes you!
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