My new years resolution this year was to bring out my camera more often and capture the everyday story of my family. I am HORRIBLE and taking photos of my own family! I'm sure you're all shocked saying things like "no way?!" or "really?!". I know, I know... its just always been a struggle for me. I get too impatient with my kids and frustrated at my self and its just always seems to go bad so i give up or just don't even attempt it do to past experience. If i want to capture a photo of my kids, I usually use my easy and handy iPhone. Its just soooo convenient right?! I have TONS of awesome shots of my kids on my phone but the quality is just NOT there and its a shame. So I am doing my do diligence and keeping my camera on my desk and ready to use when needed/ wanted. I would LOVE to try to do a Project 365 (you take a photo a day for a year) or even a Project 52 (you take 1 photo a week for a year) but I know I am not ready for an undertaking like that just yet. Hopefully this year will prep me for one of those projects next year! But I want to hold my self accountable to my resolution. I want to try and post some of my weekly shots (if I happen to catch anything good) on this here blog every Friday. So stay tuned to see more of my awesome, beautiful, crazy, life here... weekly.
I'm excited to see more of your family pictures. These are really great everyday pictures that you have posted. I take a lot of everyday pictures and they are my most cherished!