
Typical Morning Breakfast


Here's what a typical breakfast looks like around here. I had to take a photo of the dirty dishes in the sink because there is almost always dirty dishes that need to be cleaned in the morning because who likes doing dishes at night?! NOT ME! And the only exception to the "typical" part of this post is the Corn Flake disaster. I guess thats what happens when you leave dad in charge while mom goes and relaxes for a bit... made for some funny photos so totally worth it right?! 

As I previewed these photos I was amazed at just how big my Max is getting. He can pretty much get his own breakfast now with minimal help from me. How do they grow up so fast?! And Rex... oh Rex... with the bowl dumping and mess making. He is such tornado. And every breakfast without fail, if he is out of his high chair before I am done eating, he his standing behind me giving me neck hugs while i finish. I know i'll miss that when he's older. And I love that my kids always tell me they are done and that their bellies are so full but usually want a second breakfast soon after their first. 

As I was taking these photos this morning, my husband was cracking me up this morning because he would say things like "you want me to move that? or I can clean that up first. or Do you really want that in the photo??" and I kept telling him "YES! I want the mess. I am trying to capture our real lives here honey!" He knows how I am. I am so guilty of always trying to have things just 'so so' and I am working on being ok with 'keeping it real'. Its not always easy but I am working on it! Everything doesn't always have to be perfect all the time, right?! 

I love my family and I love the time I spend with them. We have some of the funniest conversations around the kitchen table. I am so glad that family dinners were such a staple in my home growing up and I know that it will be for my family too!

As Jason Mraz put it so perfectly "I love making breakfast, for someone, instead of me..." I am so glad I have lots of someones to make breakfast for and how cool is it that that list of someones will expand by one more this summer... this mama could not be more excited about that.


  1. I love it! I miss our chalkboard wall. We need to get one going in the new house.


Jack.E Photography (JEP). All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.