a new name:
Jack.E Photography
{brief explanation: people who know me, call me jack, and I needed to keep the JE part of the business name so we did a little play on words and came up with Jack.E... so no, I am not a male photographer named Jack ;) }
and a new...
and a new WEBSITE!
we are now on all over the web:
come "LIKE" me.
Go check it all out and let me know what you think! This has been a total labor of love over the past month. I am glad its pretty much (99.9%) done! I love the new look and I am excited for the way things have been streamlined and I think you will too! I wanted to focus more on YOU, the client, when diving into this big project of mine and I hope that when you check things out, you feel that love and see the thought that went into everything, just.for.you!
My hopes are that JEP can grow a bit this year (despite the maternity leave I have to take this summer) and I am excited to see how it goes. It could be a total flop too...believe me it has crossed my mind, but I'm optimistic that wont be the case!
As always thanks for all your support! I am so lucky to have so many return clients. It makes me happy and reaffirms to me that I am making you happy too :)
I am excited that I have expanded into the cool new world of FACEBOOK! I know, I know, I am WAY behind the times but its better late than never right?!
I LOVE my instagram and I hope that if you are on there too, you'll follow me and play along with my monthly photo contests! Each month will have a theme and a special hashtag for you to tag you pics with. Then, every week I will post a few of my favorites! I can't wait to see your work.
I also have a pinterest if you are so inclined to follow that as well. But I'd love it even more if you pinned the stuff you liked from my blog and shared it on your boards! It would be an honor to get your pin approval!
Well, I think that covers it. I hope you can take the time to check all the new stuff out and play along.
there may or may not be a VERY COOL giveaway on facebook for the grand relaunch :)
Jackie, the new website looks great! You're so talented! Love your new logo too, adorable! So excited for you :-)